CBC: Canada 'strongly protests' man's deportation to Somalia
A Canadian who describes himself as a used clothing dealer has been deported from Kenya to Somalia — possibly into the hands of Ethiopian authorities — after fleeing Somalia in the wake of that country's civil war.
Solidarité sans frontières est un réseau basé à Montréal qui lutte en faveur de la justice et de la dignité pour tou-te-s les sans-statut. Nous sommes un regroupement de migrant-e-s, d'immigrant-e-s, réfugié-e-s et leurs allié-e-s. Nous mobilisons pour toutes ceux et celles qui se battent contre la déportation, la détention et les certificats de sécurité.
About us:
Solidarity Across Borders is a Montreal-based network of migrants, immigrants, refugees, and allies engaged in the struggle for justice and dignity for migrants and refugees. We mobilize for all who are caught in the immigration regime and for all who fight against deportations, detentions, and security certificates.