Thursday, December 20, 2007

Algerian should not be deported

I write this letter to draw attention to a case regarding Canada Immigration and a man who has spent 600 days in sanctuary in St. Gabriel's Church in Montreal.

Canada has left this man no other choice but to defy an deportation order by taking sanctuary in a church.

He is from Algeria, a country full of strife, and a return to this country would put him in harm's way.

Sending him back to Algeria would be like throwing a bone to a hungry dog.

Abdlekader Belaouni has applied for and been refused immigration status for no clear reason.

Kader, as he is referred to by friends, is supported by individuals, as well as dozens of organizations, community groups and a five-person sponsorship.

Canada is always sending troops to "save" another country and here in our own country of Canada we have a man who needs to get on with his life. Yet, he is virtually being held prisoner.

For more information on this injustice taking place right here in Canada, go to or you can write or e-mail MP Bob Mills or Minister of Immigration Diane Finley.

I see no reason not to grant Kader status. He is not a criminal and I believe that his blindness is being held against him.

Please help this man stay in Canada.

Call or e-mail your MP today.

Judy Spenceley

Red Deer County

PUBLICATION: Red Deer Advocate
DATE: 2008.01.18
SECTION: Letters
COLUMN: Letter to the editor