Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Girls' team barred from competing in annual Tae Kwon Do Tournament


Montreal, 18 March 2007 -- A girls' team is being barred
from competing in a Tae Kwon Do tournament taking place in
Longueuil, Quebec today. The CCMM Ultimate Tae-kwon-do
Club showed up at the annual Quebec regional Raymond Mourad
Championship today only to be told that the girls' team could not
participate, on the grounds that their heads are covered. Both the
boys' and girls' teams have participated in various Tae Kwon Do
tournaments for the past two years, with some of the girls receiving
top medals in the competitions. This is the first time the girls have
been discriminated against.

The team and their coaches, severely disappointed, are remaining
at the day-long event, in the hope that the tournament organizers
will relent, and allow them to compete along with the boys. The
tournament is taking place at the Centre Sportif of Collège Édouard
Montpetit at 260, rue De Gentilly Est, Longueuil, Québec.

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For more information or interviews:

Coaches: Gael Texier (514 213 0804) or Mahdi Sbeiti (514-803-3712)
CCMM: May Haydar (514-969-2429) or Bassam Hussein (514-591-9224)
Tadamon! Montreal: 514 664 1036


CCMM Ultimate Tae-kwon-do, Centre Communautaire Musulman de Montréal and
Tadamon! Montreal (http://tadamon.resist.ca)