Saturday, April 7, 2007

PART 2 & 3: What does security and policing mean to you?

MP3 and OGG audio:

A four-part radio series on racial profiling and police brutality.
Stay tuned for Part 4, Wednesday, April 18th between 5-6pm
on CKUT 90.3fm - we'll feature a workshop on Youth Rights.

PART 3: A public panel on Racial Profiling and Police Brutality
- Standing Up and Speaking Out held at McGill University in
Montreal on the 29th of March, 2007.

Fimo R. Mitchell hosts with Khadija Bennis, Rodney Patricio,
and Francois Vanvilet.

PART 2 features Fancois from the COBP (Collective Opposed to
Police Brutality) on the history of Police Brutality in Montreal &
recordings from Montreal’s DemonstrationAgainst Police Brutality.
French and English.

This series includes discussions, interviews, a workshop for youth
on what are your rights,and a public event at McGill University.
For more information emailnews [AT] ckut [dot] ca or call
514.448.4041 x6788.