Wednesday, May 2, 2007

San Antonio: Student Protestors Shout Down Minutemen Speech

Tuesday, April 24 2007 @ 05:09 PM PDT - Infoshop News

A speech turned violent on the campus of the University of Texas at San Antonio after a Minuteman representative was interrupted by student protestors.

It was meant to be a peaceful presentation, but things quickly got out of hand. Protestors were angry that the Minutemen were on campus, and police had to stop them from rushing the stage. Additional law enforcement was called to the scene to keep things under control.

Almost half the UTSA student population is Hispanic.

Minutemen volunteers patrol the Mexican border to help stop illegal immigrants from entering the U.S. UTSA’s chapter of the Young Conservatives of Texas invited Minuteman Civil Defense Corps president and founder Chris Simcox to the campus to provide information and answer questions about the group’s mission.

However, most of the students present didn't want to hear it. While the Minutemen claim they save lives, the protestors called them murderers.

With bullhorns, signs and angry screams, protesters did their best to interrupt Simcox’s speech. Police did their best to contain the crowd, but things got so heated, Simcox was forced to cut his speech short.