Wednesday, May 2, 2007

US May Day Mobilization Coverage

Check out Democracy Now:

May Day 2007: Hundreds of Thousands March for Immigrant Rights

Hundreds of thousands of immigrants took to the streets on Tuesday in protests in dozens of cities across the country. Calls focused on demanding a path to citizenship for undocumented workers, ending immigrant raids and deportations and rejecting anti-immigrant legislation. We speak with organizers of the day's two largest protests: Los Angeles and Chicago. [includes rush transcript]

Police Fire Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas Into Peaceful LA Immigration March

In Los Angeles, an afternoon immigrant rights march ended when police fired dozens of rubber bullets and tear gas into the peaceful crowd. Families with young children were forced to flee for their safety. Eyewitnesses said police gave little or no warning before firing the rubber bullets. [includes rush transcript]

Hundreds of Students Walk Out of Classrooms to Support Immigrant Rights

Students once again played a key role in the May Day protests. In Los Angeles, city officials reported around six hundred students walked out of class to join the march for immigrant rights. Meanwhile in Detroit, dozens of students were arrested for taking part in a walkout that also protested the planned closure of dozens of schools. We speak with two student organizers. [includes rush transcript]

A Look at the Forces Behind the Anti-Immigrant Movement

We take a look at the forces behind the anti-immigrant movement with journalist Max Blumenthal of The Nation. Blumenthal says the ideas for the movement "did not come from a vacuum and they're not necessarily a rational response to a crisis. They come from the white nationalist movement, a movement that seeks to maintain what they consider the white character of then United States." [includes rush transcript]

Women Leading Grassroots Movement in Italy to Oppose U.S. Military Base Travel to Washington DC

One of the largest protests against the U.S. military this year wasn't where you'd normally expect it. In February, more than 100,000 people marched against a plan to double the size of a U.S. base in the northern Italian city of Vicenza. A group of women leading the protests have traveled from Italy to bring their case directly to Capitol Hill. [includes rush transcript]